Hardspace: Shipbreaker Steam

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Welcome to LYNX, the galaxy’s leading ship-salvaging corporation! Across your career, you’ll have the privilege of paying your debt to us by purchasing salvaging rights to increasingly large and valuable ships.
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Welcome to LYNX, the galaxy’s leading ship-salvaging corporation! Across your career, you’ll have the privilege of paying your debt to us by purchasing salvaging rights to increasingly large and valuable ships. Cut them open and extract as much value as possible! You are equipped with the latest in LYNX tech. Slice through material at any angle with your cutter.Carve entry points, cut off profitable materials or slice scrap metal into a million pieces as you ponder a lonely existence… the possibilities are endless! Be cautious – dying is extremely unprofitable. We strongly advise upgrading your tools, helmet and suit to take on more lucrative contracts - all you need to worry about is how you’ll pay for it!


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Hardspace: Shipbreaker Steam

45 kr

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